Tuesday, January 17, 2012

22 Weeks & 5 Days

I'm hoping this blog will help me document my feelings, the doctor's findings and just memorable moments of this pregnancy. Our doctors have been so set on the idea that the twins will not survive, that they forget that they are STILL ALIVE. I feel them kicking and my belly getting larger and I cannot help but think there is a chance for these boys. Why is our case destined to end badly? Why do I meet people in hydrops support groups who were given less than 5% chance of survival, yet their babies are alive and well. We know that hydrops is severe and does take the lives of too many unborn and newborn babies, but why can't we beat the odds? Why can't we be one of the miracles?

We loved our doctor at first. She came highly recommended by friends and from the clinic. The moment hydrops develops, she turns into a hopeless healthcare provider. We asked her why she didn't want to see us for an ultrasound more than once a month, and she said "Is it really going to help you? Because there is nothing I can do". Um... maybe we will know when it gets worse by seeing them more often... or get this... MAYBE we will see they are getting better! They did not expect them to last this long, so obviously something is going right at the moment. They treat them as a hopeless cause instead of 2 twin boys fighting the fight for their lives. They expect us to miscarry this month, yet gave me no advice on what hospital to go to or how I will know if I miscarry. They are so set on the boys not surviving, they haven't discussed with us delivery options, what happens if I do go into preterm labor, what measures will be taken before, during and after delivery to save their lives. I'd love to get more opinions, but we've already seen 4 specialists who all seem to be saying roughly the same thing.

Thanks to Dr. De Lia's advice, I started drinking 2-3 Boost High Protein drinks a day and finally started gaining pregnancy weight. Thanks to him for the nutritional advice (that I never got from our other doctors), I feel I am finally able to truly give these boys a fighting chance. And we will continue fighting for these boys until we get to hold them in our arms, regardless of the circumstances.

22 weeks and 5 days STRONG

1 comment:

  1. WOO! FIGHT, Bricie! And I also can't believe no one has given you any advice other than to expect the worst. As a HEALTH CARE PROVIDER it is there JOB (not to mention human obligation) to HOPE FOR THE BEST. You know, to comfort you and at LEAST to have hope for the good things that they hadn't expected... I just can't believe these dr.s are responding to an EMOTIONAL pregnant woman who's battling to save her TWIN boys' lives, this way. I'm just SHOCKED. And irritated as hell. I'm still praying for your family every day and love to read all the things you and Jake post. Just want you to know... - Brittani
